Jeni Britton Bauer Apron

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream

Last fall, we traveled to Columbus, OH to spend a day filming with Jeni Britton Bauer of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream. It was a day of filming supporting footage and content for Visit Seattle’s campaign Been There, Made That. The five episode series was produced by Vox Media for Visit Seattle. The goal of the series is best said in BTMT’s own words:

Can a city influence the work of an artist? It can when the city is as deeply textured as Seattle. In this series, we invited a handful of accomplished makers from around the country – from a singer/songwriter to an ice cream maker – to visit Seattle for a multi-sensory experience. Then we challenged each of them to return home and create something through their unique craft that is inspired by our city. Their creative journey is chronicled in this series of films, co-produced by Vox and Visit Seattle.

The series was a collaboration between Vox creatives, producers, directors, dp’s, etc… across the country. In the grand scope of the series, our role was small as we only filmed the Columbus, OH portion of Jeni’s episode. Due to the scale of the series, it’s common to include many creative and we were proud to be part of such a great series. Check out the episode we helped on below. Then head over to the Visit Seattle’s campaign page, Been There, Made That, to see the rest of the episodes.


Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream Jeni Britton Bauer Apron Jeni Britton Bauer SpicesJeni Britton Bauer WalksJeni Britton Bauer Laughs